“All noisy, crowded, and confused environments must be avoided so that your mind will become like a snake coiled in winter sleep in the cave of your body, hiding under the stone of your confirmed spirit.”
– Hua-Ching Ni
One of the primary causes of dis-ease today is stress and the intake of toxic substances that cause inflammation. Our Bodies are running hot and constantly inflaming in order to deal with our planetary crises. Thus, we are suffering physically, mentally and spiritually. Symptoms most of us are experiencing on a daily bases include depression, anxiety, and all forms of stress that one would expect due to our bearing witness to a tragedy unlike anything ever experienced before, in addition to the invisible pain and suffering that we carry from our ancestral history of participating in a 500+ year Holocaustic war against life on this Planet.
Diseases caused by inflammation include: diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. And of course the pharmaceutical and “insurance” corporations spend lots of money to have you believe that their expensive artificial chemical “medicines” are your only choice for a cure. This could not be further from the truth, and in fact, they often only send you further down the rabbit hole leading us further from the Truth of Nature.
In addition, as Children of Mother Earth, it is only reasonable that one of our auto responses as witness to this gigantic crisis would be to distance ourselves from the pain of harming and suffering that we are feeling. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to do so, even with the use of the numbing tools of alcohol and more millions of dollars worth of pharmaceutical poisons of all kinds. If the root cause of the pain is not addressed, then we can only address the symptoms. Our nervous systems are maxed out! Deep down we know that we cannot continue to harm Mother Earth and not feel her pain.
And over these years of our short lifetimes, we have been forced to rely on an unrelated artificial clock that runs us on an unnatural time that keeps us rushing too fast to have the time to slow down and listen long enough to maintain our natural connection to our natural energy sources. We have been disconnected from our Source. We have become disconnected from Nature. We have become too busy for our Relatives. We have become disconnected from our own Body. Even though my Body hurts, I’m too busy to allow the pain to slow me down right now, I’ll ignore it, take a pain pill, or take a drink and hurry on. So our Body remains hot and inflamed, with few opportunities to cool down, and recharge. So we have to rely on artificial and unreliable energy sources to keep us running around.
The problem is that we are disconnected!
And the cure is below our feet and abundantly surrounding us.
The first thing to do is to restore and maintain our connection to our Natureal and most potent energy sources, the yin of Mother Earth and the yang of Father Sun. In fact, some would say that our “Sacred Mission” and primary purpose on this planet is to serve as natural energy conduits between Earth and Sun. Absorbing, cultivating, refining and sharing this abundance of Qi love force energy for all to prosper and thrive.
From this place, we can feel, focus on, cultivate, and refine that subtle energy that is Qi, our life force. Reconnected and attuned, our body, this amazing Earth and Sun energy conduit, is functioning at top efficiency in miraculous ways that bolster our ability to share love and take active “Response-ability” as Trustees and Caretakers of Nature and all of Mother Earth’s abundant natural resources, for the benefit of our future family and generations to enjoy!
From this Sacred Place, no harm can be done.
From this Sacred Place, conciliation, recovery, restoration, healing, and
Universal Peace becomes second Nature.
However, if this energy conduit, this Body, is not connected, well grounded in the Earth, Hydrated and Ionized with clean water, and fit, then it is much more difficult to avoid inflammatory diseases and best serve our purpose as healthy thriving and sharing Human Beings.
Earth Body Sun reminds us of this “Sacred Mission,” as we restore our connections and explore our pathways to Peace together. We will also provide ideas and links to primary sources and ways to Get Off the Toxic Energy Grid and restore a high level of fitness in order to maintain an efficient energy conducting high performing Body for years to come.
“And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.” Joni Mitchell
The EarthBodySun.com website remains a play in progress. It can serve as a funnel, sign, or pathway leading back to Mother Earth and the Peoples who know and practice the old ways of living in Peace, Harmony, and Highest Respect on these Sacred Lands. Reminders of ancient Pathways leading back to the Earth and Nature based products, Ionized water, plant based foods and medicines that ground and sustain us. A funnel to return exploited and stolen resources back to the Earth via her caretakers in an ongoing effort to stop and reconcile the biological genocide of this continuing American Holocaust. Beginning with our Body first, and following our connections to Earth, Water, Sun, and to All Our Divine Relatives, these pathways become more than apparent. Because the Peace Pathway begins infinitely micro-cosmically deep within the cells of our Sacred Body and provides a pathway to our macro-cosmically infinitely expanding connection to the Cosmos and all of her Divine Beings.
Naturality of Life
This is about you and your intimate connection with Earth, your Mother. No one else, just between you and your Mother. Simply by focusing on reconnecting and restoring a sound connection that deeply grounds you into the abundant yin (-) energy of this Planet, you can serve your Sacred Mission as a grounded energy cultivating conduit between Earth and Sky.
From there, we remember how to follow the blissful feelings of our sensual body into an attunement with the Eros of Nature so we can collectively serve as her Allie for the protection of her future generations to come…..The True Majority!
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