What can I do to Restore Balance?

As Human Beings living in this unprecedented time, we are witness to the accelerating destructive results of a disconnected and artificial “civilization” careening out of balance.  As individuals, it is very difficult to know what to do to restore balance to our world.  As witnesses, our nervous systems are experiencing daily trauma.  It’s much easier, as it is with many other traumatic events in our short lives, to disassociate from the carnage and deny the brutal reality of our, and our children’s existential situation. 

Disassociation is one of the symptoms of trauma.  Our instinctual reptilian responses to life threatening events is not only to Fight or Flee, but also to Freeze and go numb.   I think we are currently experiencing a collective Freeze because it appears impossible to out fight them, and it is difficult to outrun Mother Earth’s natural defense mechanisms.   But as psychologists say, in order to resolve trauma, and come back into reality, we have to go back to our Body, the Earth, and Feel our way back to a healthy balance.     

We Cannot Out Fight Them

We have been taught in our schools that if you want to make significant change, that we have to fight and force it, especially when things are really out of whack.  But if we do this, we are using Dominator Energy.  And as Fela Kuti sang in Rofforroffo (Mud) Fight, after a while, you don’t know who is the enemy.  Dominator (yang) energy is often used to override other more subtle energies.  However, Dominator Energy is what got us into this mess, and it is unlikely that it will get us out of it!

I would propose that instead of fighting, Restoring Balance will require meditating on, uplifting, and cultivating the invisible, subtle, feminine (yin), and creative, ionic (-) energy force that is abundantly accessible via Mother Earth.  What we are talking about here is what Taoists point out is the 99% invisible energies that we can Feel, absorb, cultivate, and refine into spiritual love force.  This is the opposite of Dominator energy.   This is Partnership energy! 

Going Back to Mother Earth

So if it means going a ways back to before Dominator energy took over, whether it’s within your body, mind, spirit, or before 3000 years ago when Partnership Societies were the norm as Riane Eisler describes in her book, The Chalice and the Blade.  Or prior to 1492 on Turtle Island before Columbus arrived with their Doctrine of Discovery. 

That is how far we have to go back in order to Reset, Reconnect, and Restore Balance.  Because there are no shortcuts.  Like Taiji, balance is obtained with equal parts of Yin and Yang.  If Dominator Yang energies have been exploiting, killing, stealing, and destroying these Sacred Lands for 500 years, then we are going to need a heck of a lot of People feeding and sharing a heck of a lot of Partnership Love Force for quite awhile in order to truly Restore Balance.

To Restore Balance, we often have to go back and Reset.  And sometimes that means going way back, back to Earth.  And because we know that Dominator energy is the primary cause of our imbalance, and because we know that since long before and after the Salam Witch Trials, there continues to be a concerted effort to suppress our most powerful creative force, Mother Earth’s feminine Yin Partnership Energy.  Thus, I would strongly propose that we start here to Restore Balance.  We need to uplift and cultivate this energy and the best way to do that is to Reconnect our Body to Mother Earth and Reset.  

Reconnecting and Resetting Our Body

If you have been walking around out of balance for the last 40 to 50 years, like I have, then to restore balance to your Body, you may have to go back far enough before the injury that caused your body to go out of balance.  In my case, in order to prevent nerve pain due to lumbar disk issues, my Dominator major rectus abdominal muscles took over to compensate for the pain and imbalance, overriding and mostly turning off the internal and smaller more subtle abdominal muscles that protect and give structure to my lumbar spine.

All of this caused my pelvis to tilt back, putting more pressure on my lumbar region.  And of course, these important lesser muscles are connected to our hip flexors and hamstrings, affecting balance all the way down to our feet.  So everything I was doing during my daily activities was being performed with a body Foundation out of balance!

Relearning How to Walk

And after 50 years of walking around on an unbalanced foundation, I’m finding it quite a challenge to turn off the overriding Dominator muscles and turn on the more subtle internal Partnership muscles.  The focus this requires is meditation!  It’s basically the same kind of meditative state that happens when practicing my Taiji.  And I was not even aware that this is possible until I recently stumbled upon Dr. Ryan Peebles, 3 month long Core Balance Training.  Like many of my personal discoveries along the Peace Pathway, his Training fit right into my Taiji Practice like a missing puzzle piece!    

“As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without, As the Universe, so the Soul”    —Hermes

In order to Restore Balance in a World Out of Balance, it may be necessary to first Restore Balance within our body by giving our attention and energy to the process of feeding and growing our feminine Creative Power!  That Invisible Subtle Qi Energy that our Feet absorb via our Pond Springs points, the bottom of our amazing energy meridian, when rooted into Mother Earth!  WE are connected!  Our Body is made of Earth and Stars.  If we restore and maintain balance within our microcosmic magnetic Plank Field, then we are Restoring Balance in the Macrocosmic Field because it is all one energetic Plank Field!   

Reconnect and Restore Balance.

So if it means going a ways back to before Dominator energy took over, whether it’s within your body, mind, spirit, or before 3000 years ago when Partnership Societies were the norm, as Riane Eisler describes in her book, The Chalice and the Blade.  Or on Turtle Island prior to 1492 before Columbus arrived with their Doctrine of Discovery. 

That is how far we have to go back in order to Reset, Reconnect, and Restore Balance.  Because there are no shortcuts.  Like Taiji, balance is obtained with equal parts of Yin and Yang.  If Dominator Yang energies have been exploiting, killing, stealing, and destroying these Sacred Lands for 500 years, then we are going to need a heck of a lot of People feeding and sharing a heck of a lot of Partnership Love Force for quite awhile in order to truly Restore Balance.  

Status Quo is Literally Killing Us.  

We Can’t Keep Doing What We are Doing expecting Dominator Energy to get us out of this mess!  We cannot continue giving away, or allowing our energy to be used up by our Dominator muscles, by the Dominator Society that is accelerating all of the living toward the fast approaching cliff of self destruction.  We have to make certain that we are feeding all of our energy (time, money, votes) into Restoring Balance and our Partnership Society, for the Benefit of the True Majoirty—the 7th Generations to come!!