Core Balance Training

Core Balance Training

How Do You Know When You Are Out of Balance? I didn’t even know my body was out of balance.  I wasn’t sure one way or the other.  But my Body was sending me symptoms in the form of lower back pain, tight hips, weak hamstrings, and a bit of sciatica.  Which was enough...
Water is Life

Water is Life

We are 80-90% Water and the rest minerals of Mother Earth.  Thus, it is a huge mistake to take your drinking water source for granted.  Your Source of Drinking Water is Hugely Important!  Return to Drinking Original Lightning Charged Clean Water! Life on Planet Earth...
The Path to Restoring Balance

The Path to Restoring Balance

What can I do to Restore Balance? As Human Beings living in this unprecedented time, we are witness to the accelerating destructive results of a disconnected and artificial “civilization” careening out of balance.  As individuals, it is very difficult to know what to...
World Peace

World Peace

A Miracle You Might Say? There aren’t many things in this life that I would like to experience more than World Peace.  If we really wanted to Give Peace A Chance, why haven’t we called for an immediate World-Wide Truce so everyone can put down their weapons and go...
Don’t Kill the Lion

Don’t Kill the Lion

 Mountain Lion illustration by the late Hal Irby Can you feel it?  Can you feel her presence?  Can you feel I?   Just because i can’t see them doesn’t mean they are not there!  The 99% of Nature that we cannot see is to be sensed with this sensual body.  i...