by Scott Royder | Aug 31, 2020 | About EBS
“All noisy, crowded, and confused environments must be avoided so that your mind will become like a snake coiled in winter sleep in the cave of your body, hiding under the stone of your confirmed spirit.”- Hua-Ching Ni One of the primary causes of dis-ease today is...
by Scott Royder | Aug 29, 2020 | Acknowledging
First I would like to acknowledge my Teachers and the First Peoples who walked my Sacred Homelands before me. A shout out to the Karankawa and the Esto’k Gna (Carrizo Comecrudo) Sovereign Nations, the original caretakers of the Lands where I was raised and...
by Scott Royder | Feb 29, 2020 | Reconnecting
Reconnecting Your Body to Source Reconnecting Body to Earth and Sun Following Your Sacred Pleasure If you are uncertain about where or how to begin or continue your journey to remove yourself and your family from the Toxic Energy Grid, you can start with your Sacred...
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