A Miracle You Might Say?

There aren’t many things in this life that I would like to experience more than World Peace.  If we really wanted to Give Peace A Chance, why haven’t we called for an immediate World-Wide Truce so everyone can put down their weapons and go home to their family?  A miracle you might say?   Maybe it’s time to give it a try for a real change!  

Status Quo is Killing Us!

Because begging war-profiting politicians to do the right thing is not working.  Neither can we fight against their weapons of mass destruction.   Fighting all the fires they are lighting to keep us busy makes it even more difficult to do what we must do to take care of one another.   Pushing outward with the same fighting energy,  just puts us at loggerheads, or in the Roforofo (Mud) Fight as Fela Kuti taught us.  John Trudell said, “We cannot out fight them.  There maybe times to fight, but we cannot out fight them.  Because they invented that kind of death.  … in reality we’ve got to out think them.”  

So what can we do?  Do No Harm!

Stepping back may seems like the wrong direction to go, but is it really, especially if what we have been doing the last 60 years is not working?   If we are carrying the weapons of the oppressor, how can we expect to restore peace?  If we are, in any way, contributing to war making or enabling war makers, then we are carrying war energy.   Sometimes we have to just stop and be still long enough to make certain we are doing no harm.      

How do i get Back to the Source?  

Sometimes one has to go back a ways to find an uncorrupted Peace that is strong and secure enough that when radiated outward, we strengthen the feelings of our connections, and become more aware of the power of our Sacred Place within the Flower of Life.  In this Sacred Place, there is no room for war making energy.   From this Place, picking up a weapon would never enter our minds.  Just as it was 4000+ years ago (Chalice and the Blade), there was no need for weapons, and no need to live in fortresses.      

Peace IN, Peace Out!  

We have to dig really deep and do the work that is required to make certain that our energy, from means to end, is most abundantly flowing (powerful, and secure, with no leaks!) toward Peace.  When we attune into this natural energy, we are flowing with the Peace of Nature.  And at this level of High Respect, in this Sacred Place, we align with the Truth of Nature, that we are,  ALL of our Relations, Divine energy.  When we stay in this energy flow throughout the day, we notice when we have an energy leak and we can stop it, and instead, make certain that we are moving this energy in a direction that fuels our feminine creative abilities.  This way, we can make certain that all of our energy (votes, money, time) is being used to generate peaceful well being.  We really don’t have time to do anything else!  We have much healing to do and many relations to repair.  

This is No Action Action  — Satyagraha!

When we all cut all of our connections to war.  War will end.   

Remember what John and Yoko said, “War is Over, IF WE Want it!” 

When we find our strongest, no compromise peace within, only then can we produce the kind of Peace action we need right now.  We cannot expect Peace to come soon enough if we continue to allow our energy to be used to build and shoot weapons or destroy earth, air, and water.  We cannot continue to dig and burn fossil fuels and expect Peace to happen.  We have to make the changes necessary to transition to natural forms of free Solar(+) and Earth(-) Energy while getting off the toxic energy grid, as quickly as spiritually possible.   

Denial is a HUGE Energy Leak!

European American folks like me, seem to have a unique disability.  Or maybe it could be defined as an illness?  When it bubbles up, and it often does, we just push it down, because we don’t know what to do with it.  And because this energy is so heavy, it takes a great toll on us –it takes a great deal of energy to keep it down.  But it upsets us so much, that we don’t even want to look at it.  Some call it “white guilt.”  Some call it Holocaust denial.  So we go on, day after day, trying so hard to live in a very thick bubble of denial.  We are holding onto this very heavy energy so strongly in fact, that for over 500+ years, we have been able to deny a Holocaust of more than 100 million Peoples who were brutally murdered so that we can live on this stolen land today without even thinking about it!  

That’s a lot of energy we are holding onto that is filling up our valuable energy reservoirs and preventing us from ending war and probably saving our children!  Because when we deny this energy, we are throwing out the possibilities of peace with the bathwater.   This is a huge mistake of genocide that must be reconciled.  I mean, the whole reason the energy of genocide is still running rampant all over the planet, is because the majority of “Americans” refuse to even recognize why we are living on the land we are living on, while those we murdered and displaced are still living in concentration camps that “our” government forced them into, or just refuse to recognize them as existing Human Beings!  

Another thing that happens when we push down this energy, is that we push away the very Peoples that practice the ancient Earth caring respectful ways of living that we must get back to in order to get off this destructive status quo road that is accelerating toward our self destruction.   

But if we do our internal work, we will journey deep into our individual intricacies of this denial and clearly see what it is costing us.  From there, we realize we can no longer allow this denial to keep us from acting together peacefully to end this ongoing Holocaust against life.  

No matter how strongly we have been taught to deny the American Holocaust.  

No matter how strongly we have been taught to forget that we are living on stolen lands.  And,

No matter how strongly we have been taught to believe pyramidal size lies (Nassim Harremin) in order to hide the truth that we are not alone and we are all connected through this Multi-Universal Divine Plank Energy web of life!

Put Down Your Weapons

When we find our Peace in this highest Sacred Place of Divine respect for life and all of the living, we will know that these bleeding wounds must be mended.  That mistakes that allow genocide against all relations to continue, must be corrected, so that no one is willing to pull any more triggers.  They put down their weapons, come out of their forts, and come home to their family.    

For the benefit of future generations, it is time to follow the People who hold the Ancient Earth based and Sky pulsing Wisdom, back to an Earth based Peace and Partnership Economy.  We cannot allow denial or status quo comforts to stand in the way.   We must Repair Relations and take care of the persecuted, raise them up to be our leaders, and follow them back to Old Mother Earth and her peaceful ways.  Because they are the Nations of Peoples who have always practiced living in Peace with All of Our Relations.   They don’t just believe in it, they PRACTICE land based respectful living with ALL of Our Relations, even in the face of ongoing biological genocide.

When we find our Peace, we find our People.  And we want them all to thrive together in World-Wide Peace!  

Following the Peace Pathway! 
Play together to remove family from the toxic energy grid.
Your Grandchildren will be glad you did!