Restoring Balance

Returning to Partnership Society

“I will not enable the lie today!” – John Trudell

Instead, I will enable the Truth of Nature
All the time
Because, the Truth is that WE are all Divine Beings.
And We KNOW this to be true.

Walking the Peace Pathway…

Water is Life

Return to Drinking Original Lightning Charged Clean Water!

We are 80-90% Water and the rest minerals of Mother Earth.  Thus, it is a huge mistake to take your drinking water source for granted.  Your Source of Drinking Water is Hugely Important! 

Life on Planet Earth is dependent on clean water, and no matter how often we take water for granted, clean lightning charged water remains one of, if not the most important energy sources for human beings and all of our interconnected planetary relations.  Thus, the nurturing of our relationship with the spirit of water should be a top priority, and not overlooked.

The Path to Restoring Balance

What can I do to Restore Balance in Our Inflamed World?

Human Beings are living in this unprecedented time, witness to the culminating destructive results of a disconnected and artificial “civilization” careening out of balance.  As individuals, it is very difficult to know what to do to restore balance to our world.

World Peace

There aren’t many things in this life that I would like to experience more than World Peace. If we really wanted to give peace a chance, why haven’t we called for an immediate World-Wide Truce so everyone can put down their weapons and go home to their family? A miracle you might say?   Maybe it’s time to give it a try for a real change!